Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Photos & Sweet Zebra Toes!

So, as you know I am going into graphic design and therefore, naturally, like to spend oodles of time on Photoshop. And because of that addiction, I have over-exhausted/edited the photos I currently have and am also tired of looking at the ones that are currently hanging on the walls in our house. I decided we needed new photos of us. Yes, maybe a little vain of me...but it was true. So I called up my sister-in-law Amy who is actually pursing her degree in photography and did our engagement photos, and asked her if she'd mind doing a few shots of us so I can be entertained once again while looking at my walls and playing on photoshop. Being the sweet person she is, she agreed, and I think our photo shoot turned out pretty well. You can see some of my faves below.
(Disclaimer #1: These photos are ones that I have edited, I haven't seen Amy's edits yet so if you don't like these ones, don't hold it against HER :p)

Here are a few different edits of this photo, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite of them all. I love the calm surreal feel of it.

A few other faves:

In other entertainment & awesome family cousin Hailey is attending beauty school and I took her up on the opportunity to have some zebra gel toes done for me. For those of you who are aware with my inpulsive, uncontrollable obsession with zebra print anything (seriously, if it's zebra print, you can bet I'm buying it and if you try to stop me you might pull away a bloody stump.) you'll realize how excited I was about this.
(Disclaimer #2: Please ignore my disgusting toes. Many of you know they are freakishly long and require me to wear a 1/2 size shoe larger than what I may otherwise would have to. But aside from that I had an ingrown toenail removed a while ago and was told it would not grow back ever again....well, I've got news for that doctor and all else who claimed just may be wrong. But that's another story, and probably a little too much info for you all. Sorry).


The Blacks said...

Love the toes! Hailey really did them? I mean they look super good for not being in school very long. I love the pictures to. I love the first one the most!

Hailey said...

of course i did them!! im awesome!

Clayton & Kim said...

I like the photos! post more more more more!

Anonymous said...

i really like the photos of you guys! they are very nice!