Friday, September 11, 2009

Keith Urban 2009!

Oh yes, my long time running tradition of hitting up the Keith Urban concert each time he comes to Utah is running strong, and this year he put on a GREAT show. (as always. But REALLY, how BAD can a Keith Urban concert be?). I was a little bummed that my good friend Angie wasn't as lucky, and had to break her Keith concert streak as she couldn't make it this year. But my mom and I went, and had a good ol' time none the less. Our seats were pretty good, a lot better than I had anticipated. 12th row baby. Not floor seating (which I actually don't think is that great to begin with as everyone's head is the same and all you can see is the back of people's heads) but lower bowl 12th row. Even better is the fact that Keith is so good at interacting with the audience (and a ton of fun to watch as he performs and wails on his guitar). We were actually pretty close to him for a few songs as he did them from a platform near us. I'm talking close enough to see the sweat run off his arm, down his guitar and drip on the floor. Oh was THAT good. Anyways, here are some pics from the concert. I'm eagerly looking forward to his next tour and a hopeful stop in Utah. If there are more like Keith back in Australia....I'd love to visit sometime
; D

Mom & Me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of my long standing dreams was to attend a Keith urban concert live. . I know all the words of his songs by heart …well he is performing this year. Next weekend I’m going to visit my sister and we will attend his Keith urban ; I've compared tickets prices tix before from
So I'll be analyzing as well as enjoying the concert.