Thursday, October 16, 2008

Newly Married Life

I have had a blog of my own for a few months now, but unfortunately (and sadly) I didnt have a whole lot to post based on my own life. And so now I am SO excited to be married because I will hopefully have more reasons/occasions to blog! (That, of course, is not the only reason I'm excited to be married....but I'm hoping it'll be one of the "perks". lol) As an update for those of you who need one, and for those of you who know already but have to suffer hearing about it for the 100th time.... Brad and I were married 2 weeks ago on October 3rd. It was our 5 year annversary, which made our wedding day even more special. We were married in the morning in the Manti Temple, and it was such a great experience! It was so wonderful to feel the love of our Heavenly Father and all of our family, who so lovingly support us. What a wonderful opportunity it was to enter the temple and know that the ordinance we were participating in would make it possible for our marriage to be of full force when we leave this world.

Later that evening we had a reception in Santaquin. My mom and I spent many months, weeks, days, and hours planning for and putting together the reception. We made the centerpieces for each table (with the help of my grandma), and even made the cake ourselves. I was so pleased with the way everything turned out, it was perfect. It was so personal, unique and originial. It was exactly what I had envisioned! And, of course, I need to mention that Brad's mom did such an amazing job making my dress. It was the center of many compliments, and was very non-Utah-traditional. Just as I wanted it to be.

With post-wedding day traumatic stress syndrome (not a real diagnosis, but I'm pretty sure it should be....)Brad and I hit the road the next morning for our honeymoon in Durango, Colorado and made a trip to a little mining town nearby called Silverton. It was so beautiful this time of year with the forest area and trees changing colors. It was perfect and we had such a good time! (...Other than I may have freaked out a little bit while on an off-road trail Brad wanted to check out above Silverton). We came home the following Wednesday, and were a bit shocked to find that the water heater in our town home had broke while we were gone, ruining and soaking the carpet in the hallway, and leaking through the ceiling into the washer/dryer room down below. When I walked into the house and realized it smelled worse than normal (if that can be imagined), I knew it was a bad sign. The honeymoon was over, and we were back to "real life" more quickly than we had hoped! :) But life is good, and we are both adjusting to married life well. We love all the time we get to spend together, and life is treating us well...what more could you ask for?

And...I almost forgot! Another on my favorite pieces from our wedding was our invites! I had so much fun designing and creating them. Like the rest of the wedding they were unique and personal...just as I wanted.


Amy Rau said...

So cute Erica! I love the layout. I'm so glad you guys are doing well. I hope your house won't fall apart even more. ha ha love you guys!

Anonymous said...

hey erica! That is so exciting! i hope your wedding was awesome! I love the invites, very nice. =)