Thursday, March 26, 2009

Incredibly Adorable Cupcakes!

I was browsing Martha Stewart's website the other day and ran across these adorable "chick" cupcakes. I immediately smiled and chuckled when I saw them, and when you check out these pics I'm hoping you can see why. At that exact moment, I vowed to myself that I was going to make this cupcakes....try and stop me. Brad's brother and his wife just found out that they are having a baby boy, and I thought that occasion would be as good as any to make and deliver these adorable little things to someone. Of course, they're not nearly as perfect as Martha's (she's a master, of course) but I was quite impressed with myself and the way they turned out. I sat them in a blue detailed "wood" easter basket, filled with green easter grass and a note that says "We are "chirping" with excitement for you and your baby boy!" Yeah...perhaps a little cheesy, but it's true and fitting for the cupcake theme.

Alright, without further adoo (not sure how to spell that, or if thats even the right word...but you know what I mean) are the cupcakes that will melt your heart.....


nateandjenny said...

Cute, Cute, CUTE! Were they very hard to make?

Katie Goss said...

SO CUTE!!!!! I cant wait to make them too! Next project...the flower pot cupcakes

Brad & Erica Dixon said...

Jen- Thanks! They weren't very hard to make if you're only making a few. If you had to make like a dozen or so it might be more of a challenge, but only cause of how much time it would take.

Katie-Thanks too! I totally want to make those flower pot ones too. I saw at the dollar store that you can get a set of 3 little pots to use for a dollar. so they'd be cheap, and they're so cute! That's next on my list :D

Clayton & Kim said...

Erica "Martha" you are the woman! Bring me some of those yummies! "Hostess" is my mentor!! lol

Anonymous said...

cute! i love decorative cupcakes. BJ's sister-in-law made me puppy cupcakes for my birthday back in december. they were so cute, and delicious too!

The Blacks said...

Cute Cupcakes! We wont find out untill the middle of May.

Dave and Jana said...

Not only were they cute, they were DELICIOUS!!! Thanks again for those crafty, culinary concoctions.

Jaime Williams said...

I also on occasion aspire to be Martha...