Wednesday, November 12, 2008

About My Hubby

1 Where did you meet your husband?
Long Story. Basically we met working and through my sister and his friends.
#2 How long did you date before you were married?
5 years, exactly on our wedding day.
#3 How long have you been married?
1 month, 10 days, and 2 hours. (I'm usually not that specific...but thought I'd figure it out for the question :)
#4 What does he do that suprises you?
Is very helpful around the house! If he sees me folding laundry he'll jump in and help. He always asks what he can do to help and even OFFERS to clean the bathroom. What a great guy!
#5 What is your favorite feature of his?
His legs (ha...sounds weird coming from a girl about a guy). And his smile. (and i'm a bit jealous he never had to have braces..)
#6 What is your favorite quality?
There are a few....1. He is always happy! 2. He doesn't give up on projects til he figures out what the issue is (lately, that example has been the truck). 3.He's easy going and does his best to keep me from being so high strung.

#7 What is his favorite food?
Hamburgers. But, I am very lucky because he isnt a picky eater. I love him because he makes thinking of what to make for dinners/making dinner pretty easy!
#8 What is his favorite sport?
Basketball. Go Jazz!
#9 When and where did you first kiss?
October 3, 2003. On my family's 4wheeler, on a mountain overlooking the night lights of the city.
#10 What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
Everything! My favorite sometimes is just hanging out watching TV or playing games. (SkipBo and Phase 10 have been big hits with us lately). I also like camping, and anything that gets us together and away from work and "normal life".
#11Do you have any kids?
Nope. A month after getting married is a little soon for us, believe it or not. :) But someday!
#12 Does he have any hidden talents?
He's a really good cook.
#13 How old is he?
#14Whats his favorite music?
Stuff that I think is weird. He likes non-mainstream music. We do agree on John Vanderslice, Radiohead, and Jurassic 5. We also enjoy the sweet beats of Will Smith! :)
#15 What do you admire most about him?
His determination, honesty, sense of humor, and the fact that he is concerned about being a good provider for our family.
#16 What is his favorite past time?
Playing basketball, watching the Jazz, off-roading, camping...and pretty much anything outside.

1 comment:

Dave and Jana said...

Are you talking about my brother, Brad? That doesn't sound like him.