Friday, May 13, 2011

Camping: Vernon this not one of the happiest faces you've ever seen? Who knew a dog could be so expressive! This pooch is so happy because he was on his very first camping trip!

This weekend we had plans to go to Moab with my parents but through a series of unfortunate car problem events on both their end and ours, it didn't end up playing out. So, having bought all of our food, the day off work Friday, a new tent, and a compulsion to escape what we know as "everyday life", Brad and I decided to load up the 4Runner for an overnight trip to Vernon Reservoir.

Charlie had never been camping before...and well....if you know Charlie at all, you could imagine what type of images were playing through my head as I envisioned this overnight trip with him. In a tent. Surprisingly he was a really really good dog! He loved every minute of it including the car ride there and back because he could stick his head out the window full speed. Never once did he cry during the night and just hung out with us around camp and the campfire, relaxing.

We set up camp, built a fire (Charlie LOVES this part was interesting as he kept stealing them out of the fire pit while Brad was trying to start the fire), roasted hot dogs and just enjoyed each other's company. While it was no Moab it was a nice little get away for us and we all really enjoyed it! Pics from our trip:

Charlie has to be involved in EVERYTHING. Including the driving, and he can often be found taking over the center console in the front seat of any car we are driving.

Doing what he loves best on car rides...if we let him I'm pretty sure he'd hang out the window by his back toes.
"Family photo", the best one we got this trip:

"Helping" with the fire:

Our campsite and new tent